Sales Agent Service Level Agreement

This is the SLA that each agent has to meet to be apart of the 'Lead Distribution Group' for their area.

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the minimum standards and rules for sales agents working on our tech platform. All leads are distributed automatically by the HubSpot Lead Generation system on a round-robin basis to each and every agent. It's important to note that the owner leads assigned to agents may or may not be in their specific area of coverage. Agents are expected to meet the minimum SLA criteria as outlined in this agreement.


If an agent doesn't meet the minimum SLA criteria, the system will automatically remove the agent from the lead distribution group, and the agent will receive no new leads. The objective is to provide clear guidelines for engaging with owner leads and ensuring a high level of service. All details and actions are subject to verification through our HubSpot system, which is the core platform for managing lead interactions.


Lead Rule-Based System:

Our lead distribution system is designed to reward agents who consistently meet the defined activity-based rules. Agents who meet these standards will receive more leads through our automated system. The following rules and guidelines must be adhered to, with some criteria given higher importance:


1. Lead's Property Instructed:

Agents must confirm whether the owner has instructed the property for sale or letting. Agents with properties instructed from received leads take priority.

2. Valuation Bookings:

Agents are encouraged to book property valuations. Leads that result in valuation bookings will receive favourable consideration.

3. Initial Contact:

Agents must call the lead within 1 working hour of receiving it, which is defined as the time the lead is assigned to you on Hubspot. If contact has been a made a minimum of these details should be filled in:

  • Lifestyle Stage of the contact has been updated
  • A note has been added

4. Continual Attempted Contact:

If contact has not been made with the lead (i.e. the lead has not picked up the initial Aircall call) has the lead been contacted multiple times throughout the day within the first 24 hours.

5. All Hubspot Contact Data Fully Updated:

All these details as a minimum should be filled in once contact has been made:

  • The Contact has full contact details: Full Name, Phone Number, Email Address
  • 'Lifestyle Stage' of the contact has been updated
  • A 'Note' has been added
  • The 'Contact Type' has been updated to 'Seller' or 'Landlord'
  • A lettings/sales 'Property' has been added and 'Associated' to that contact

6. Follow Up Task:

If a valuation meeting hasn't been booked in and confirmed has a follow up task/call been created? This would only happen if the owner isn't available to speak at the moment and a call is booked in for a future date. Or if the lettings property isn't coming available any time soon and the owner has no other properties to let/sell. 

7. Email Sent:

If there is no phone number or there is an incorrect phone number (which will be shown on the updated 'Lifestyle Stage' of the contact) emails/text messages will be weighted but only in these scenarios. 


By adhering to these rules and guidelines, agents will enhance their chances of receiving more leads and contribute to providing a high level of service to property owners. Leads that result in property instructions and successful initial contacts are prioritised. The importance of using HubSpot and connected phone and email systems to update these details cannot be overstated. Failure to use these systems for updates may result in the automated system not recognising any activity and SLAs being met by the agent. This SLA is subject to review and modification by our company to ensure the highest quality of service. Agents are encouraged to seek clarification or guidance on any aspect of this SLA from the management.