Step 4 & 5 - Completing DBS Check and Providing Passport Copy

As you embark on your journey as a real estate agent with PropertyLoop, we want to ensure that you're well-prepared and meet all necessary requirements. As part of our onboarding process, there are two important steps you need to complete: the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and providing a copy of your passport.

Step 4: Completing the DBS Check

The DBS check is a standard procedure to verify your criminal record. It helps us ensure the safety and security of our clients and colleagues. Please follow these steps to complete the process:

  1. Click on this link to initiate the online DBS application.
  2. Fill in the required information accurately, as any discrepancies can lead to delays in processing.
  3. Once you have completed the application, submit it as instructed on the website.
  4. Await the processing of your DBS check. This may take some time, and you will be notified of the results.
  5. In the meantime if you are emailed a one-time password to view your DBS result online you can take a screenshot or download a copy of this and email it to

Step 5: Providing a Copy of Your Passport

To verify your identity and comply with legal requirements, we kindly ask you to email a copy of the photo page of your passport to Rest assured that this information will be handled securely and confidentially.

By completing these steps promptly, you'll be one step closer to starting your exciting journey as a PropertyLoop agent. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our onboarding support team.