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Where would you like to start?

It’s easy to get started on PropertyLoop

  • Tell us about your place

    Share some basic info, such as the address and when it’s available.
  • Add some details

    Let us know some key features of your place.
  • Finish up

    Set a starting price & publish or book a free in-person valuation with 1 of our agents.

Tell us about your place

Share some basic info, such as the address and when it’s available.

Where is your place located?

The full address will not be shown on our website, you can count on us to keep your address details safe.

    What would you like to find tenants for?

    STEP 2

    Add some details

    Let us know some key features of your place and we’ll use AI technology to create a detailed description to attract the best tenants. Enter your email to save your listing.

    Which of these best describes your place?

    Share some basics about your place

    - +
    - +
    Size of room?
    Which room are you looking to list?
    Select room

      Add details

      Does the landlord live at the property?
      Is there a shared Living room?
      When is the room available?

      Add details

      Select features included in the room.
      Select features included in the property.

      Add description of the room

      What key features should we include in your listing?

      Add description

      What key features should we include in your listing?
      STEP 3

      Finish up

      Set a starting price & publish or book a free in-person valuation with 1 of our agents.

      How much rent would you like?

      Book free professional media

      Our free professional media includes pictures, videos, 3D tours and floor plan.

      Book a free valuation

      Select day and time for free valuation

      Add details

      How many bedrooms are there in the property?
      - +
      How many bathrooms?
      - +
      When is your place available?

      Just one last step!

      Please add your contact details below